Benefits of Standing Desks


Sitting for prolong periods of time (more than 6 hours per day) puts you at an increased risk of diseases including diabetes and heart disease.


  • Jump start your metabolism
  • Promote healthier joints and spine
  • Relieve back and shoulder muscle pain
  • Help you feel better and more awake
  • Contribute to better posture

Prolonged sitting often contributes to back and shoulder pain. When the spine is inactive for long periods of time, posture and physical condition worsen. Joints do not receive adequate blood supply when you are inactive. When joints move, they let nutrients in and waste is pumped out. Frequent physical movement is important for the health of your spine and discs.

Being focused at work is admirable. But too often we don’t realize how long we have been sitting in the same position. Problems from prolonged sitting can be easily addressed with a sit-stand desk. Alternating between a standing and sitting position is the best option for a healthy work environment.
